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3 Easy Steps To Boost Your Natural Energy

Fatigue can be very frustrating, especially with how increasingly busy our lives can be! What most people don’t realize is that their low energy levels could be resulting from lifestyle choices. Since you know we are all about wellness and natural living, we want to make sure our readers are truly living their best life, and that involves enhanced energy! Thankfully, there are small steps you can implement in your day to day to improve your energy levels naturally.

1. Water First Thing In The Morning

Having a morning routine in this busy decade is almost imperative to having a productive day, and there is one underrated technique that can be implemented into that routine to give almost instant results! One of the easiest ways to have early, lasting energy in the morning is to chug a glass of water as soon as you wake up!

It is a common misconception that coffee is the number one drink needed in the morning to waken the senses. In actuality, this sugary coffee is what causes the typical mid-day crash! Think about it – bodies are made up of about 60% water, and when waking up in the morning, the body is dehydrated and depleted of it. So, wouldn’t it make sense that giving the body exactly what it needs is vital for it to work properly? If the body feels good on the inside, it will make you feel good on the outside; there is no doubt that this will provide you with more energy.

2. Protein With Every Meal

Macronutrients, also known as protein carbohydrates and fats, are the most essential compounds humans consume and need in order to survive. The idea that we need a combination of these in order to live a healthy life is not a new one, but do you really know how much of each you should be consuming? It takes a lot to take a step back and look at your diet to see what you’re consuming daily, but this action alone could improve your life in so many ways! What many don’t realize is how much they neglect the most important macronutrient for satiety and muscle building – protein.

With so many common meals centered around carbs and fats, such as pasta dishes, pizza or taco Tuesdays, it is easy to ignore protein. Our goal here, however, is long lasting natural energy, and it’s important to understand how protein can provide just that! When the protein you eat is digested, it is converted into amino acids that help build and repair muscle, tissue, bone and skin. In order to then turn into glucose (energy), the amino acids go through an extra step...which is a longer process than the quick energy that comes from carbohydrates/fats (which you probably feel after eating something sugary). Although protein provides a slower process, it is a much longer-lasting source of energy.

3. Increase Viatmin D and Omega 3 Intake

The last step we have for you to improve natural energy comes with many other health benefits, which include the consumption of Omega 3’s and Vitamin D. As with any other vitamin, it is important to initially receive them from whole foods rather than supplements, which a lot people turn to first. Vitamin D can be found in eggs, fish, beef and dairy products. However, for those who have dietary preferences that don’t include some of these food groups, supplements could be a better solution. One of the more natural ways to receive Vitamin D is through natural sunlight, which alone can provide adequate Vitamin D synthesis! Unfortunately, many people also have limited exposure to sunlight throughout most of the year, so once again their needs fall short. In these cases, supplementation is not only safe to use but also necessary!

Omega 3’s are most commonly found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and even in vegetables like spinach and broccoli. It is no surprise why people say consuming vegetables ensures we get the most vitamins out of our diet! The main reason these vitamins are equally necessary is because they help keep our hormones balanced and the consumption of them naturally releases serotonin in our bodies, which is responsible for enhancing our energy, metabolism, and eventually mood. Therefore, taking your daily dose of both Omega 3’s and Vitamin D is a sure-fire way to improve your mental state and energy levels.

We hope these tips provide you with a closer look at the importance of finding natural ways to improve your energy levels, as well as show how much it could benefit you daily. Ultimately, a well-balanced diet with proper hydration levels and a few minutes of daily fun in the sun means you’re already implementing all three tips! Energy is essential to life and all living organisms, and receiving adequate amounts is essential for us to function at our most optimal state.