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Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

Apple cider vinegar is one of those household items that does just about everything in the book. You might have heard is can be used to help you lose weight, or as a supplement for your diet. Of its numerous pros, its only con has got to be that undoubtedly strong vinegary smell (unless that’s your thing)! It can be cooked with, cleaned with, and even consumed; the real question is, what can’t apple cider vinegar do for you? We’ll get into all the nitty gritty details about apple cider vinegar, including where it comes from and how using it can prove beneficial to you.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar

To keep it simple, apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made from fermented apple juice—hence the namesake. Apples are crushed and the juice has yeast and bacteria added to it in order to begin the alcoholic fermentation process. Then, the alcohol is converted to vinegar by adding acetic acid-forming bacteria, creating that sour, vinegary taste. It’s often used in salad dressings and vinaigrettes, and is safe to consume in small quantities.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a Cleaning Agent

Are you tired of including the same old cleaning chemical smells included in your spring cleaning routine, or worried that your current cleaning agents aren’t doing enough justice? Surprisingly enough, apple cider vinegar makes for a great household cleaning alternative to bleach. Most household cleaning products actually contain chemicals that can be harmful to your home and environment. That’s why opting to use apple cider vinegar is a great change; it’s both a natural and very powerful cleaning agent. In order to use it as a household cleaner, it’s important for you to dilute the apple cider vinegar with about nine parts water and one part vinegar. Add the cleaning solution to a spray bottle and use accordingly—it’s that simple! Apple cider vinegar also makes for a great drain unclogger. All you have to do is pour half a cup of baking soda into your drain and follow it with one to two cups of apple cider vinegar. The solution will foam and potentially overflow, but just let the solution work and then wash it away with water. You can also use apple cider vinegar as a stain remover. Simply mix a couple of tablespoons of salt with the vinegar and apply to the stain, leaving it on for a few minutes, and washing when done. This can be used to remove stains on some fabrics and even carpet! It’s incredible how apple cider vinegar just knocks three cleaning tactics off your how-to list; it’s truly a versatile solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

Believe it or not, using apple cider vinegar comes with a few health benefits! Apple cider vinegar is capable of killing harmful pathogens and bacteria, as well as preventing them from multiplying. In addition to using it for cleaning, people have also used apple cider vinegar to treat nail fungus, lice, ear infections, and warts. It’s also been proven to be a helpful method in treating Type 2 Diabetes. Apple cider vinegar may improve insulin sensitivity, as well as lower blood sugar significantly after meals. It can also boost skin health; human skin is slightly acidic so applying apple cider vinegar to your skin can help rebalance your skin’s pH, improving its protective barrier. Additionally, apple cider vinegar may also help to lower the risk of cancer.

Test-tube studies have shown that vinegar can kill cancer cells. Obviously, however, it is not a cure and you should only consider using it with permission from a doctor. Using apple cider vinegar as directed can bring about a variety of benefits to your health.

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

Although there’s limited evidence on whether or not apple cider vinegar can aid in weight loss, there are some people who have tested it out and have provided ways to include it in your diet. Studies show that apple cider vinegar can increase the fullness feeling you get after eating. People who took one to two tablespoons of it with a high carb meal reported losing two to four pounds. Feeling full allows you to consume less calories than you normally would, ultimately leading to weight loss. You could also add apple cider vinegar to your water when boiling your eggs. As odd as it sounds, vinegar actually allows you to produce better eggs. This is because the protein found in egg whites firms up quicker when exposed to acidic liquids. Making a yummy, savory marinade with apple cider vinegar is also achievable! Combining it with wine, garlic, cayenne pepper, onion, and soy sauce will give your meat both a sweet and savory flavor. These are just a few wonderful ways that apple cider vinegar can make a gracious contribution to your current diet!

Apple Cider Vinegar Negatives

While apple cider vinegar does more help than harm, consuming it in ways that aren’t recommended can pose as a detriment to your health. One problem overusing it can cause is tooth decay. Vinegars are acidic, so if you’re consuming it on a daily basis, you’re going to wear down your teeth’s enamel. There have also been reports of apple cider vinegar bringing about low potassium levels. It’s also important to not drink undiluted apple cider vinegar; due to its acidity, people with digestive problems may find their symptoms worsened. Although there aren’t a lot of negative side effects, it’s still important to pay close attention to how you intend to use apple cider vinegar so that none of these things happen to you!

As there is with everything, using apple cider vinegar can have its ups and downs. Always take the necessary precautions and do your research thoroughly before considering making it a part of your weekly grocery list. Apple cider vinegar has a lot of proven benefits and a few negative side effects, so use it wisely so it can become a part of your everyday routine!