Sky Vegetables

Farmers Market, Online Farmers Market, Brooklyn Green House

Bronx, NY

Sky Vegetables is a greenhouse that operates up in the Bronx. It has been around since about 2012 and has a great story. The location is on top of a LEED certified Affordable Housing Unit right in the middle of a food desert. You can check out more about the operation in this short video

Their master plan is to able to get sustainable buyers for the greenhouse so that they can afford to distribute the healthy food to the local neighborhood. Currently, they dedicate sections of the greenhouse for each buyer they have so that the client can customize what they want produced for their business. They also grow hydroponically and typically sell the crops live (so longer shelf life + higher nutrition). They'd be more than happy to send over samples if you are interested and are willing to sell at a competitive price. Currently, they are growing Basil, Thai Basil, Arugula, Wasabi Arugula, Beet Greens, Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, and Spring Onions.


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